The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Article

During Social Studies week 2, we have been making ourselves an article on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and putting out the natural causes, human causes, natural short-term and long-term effects, and human short-term and long-term effects of the Great Pacific Garbage patch and actions and solutions that are being done to help with this problem.


(Why did it happen?
Effect (Short/Long Term)
(What happened after?)
-Natural Causes??

One of the Natural Causes of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is because of currents that function and circle around in our ocean as they can pass and spread the rubbish/plastic around in several areas in the aquatic environment.Great Pacific Garbage Patch | National Geographic Society

-Natural negative effects Short/long term??

The Natural negative effects of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch Short-term is that for a short period of time, rubbish littered will enter and stay in the sewers but as time goes by, the long-term effect is that it will eventually start entering the ocean and affecting many aquatic life forms as its chemicals can kill many aquatic life forms as many of them can mistake a lot of rubbish for food due to its colour and size and as months and years go by, the rubbish/plastic that enters th, known as microplastics, making it almost impossible for it to be seen, which is making our ocean more unsafe and can be spread around the ocean due to the gyre and can not just affect the ocean that the rubbish was sent to but can also affect many oceans across the world.

-Human Causes??

One of the human causes of pollution happening in the aquatic life forms is our rubbish, littering them, and being unsustainable as we all have an uncontrollable usage of plastic.

Ocean pollution and marine debris | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Human negative effects Short/Long term?

The Human negative effects of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch short-term are when the aquatic life forms start eating the rubbish we are littering since it will become intoxicated, this can also affect us as well since we catch fish, and we can possibly be eating unknowingly the plastic that they ate and can give us a potential chance of health risks.

The long-term effect of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is that if the ocean and the aquatic life die, we will die as well as the ocean absorbs up to 87% of our carbon per year and between 50% to 80% of our oxygen comes from the ocean so the Garbage Patch wouldn’t just affect the ocean but can also affect our lives as well.



Solutions and actions that are currently being done to help with this problem are that an organisation called Ocean Cleanup is now using a system named Jenny which is a large-scale cleanup system that can track up to 800 meters long around the ocean through areas of pollution around them as Ocean Cleanup aims to clean about 90% of the ocean plastic pollution and stated that in 5 years time, 50% of the ocean’s pollution will be removed. Solutions and actions that are currently being done to help with this problem are reducing the usage of plastic and reducing the pollution in ships and prohibiting ocean dumping that is now placed in government regulations.