Month: March 2023

Content and Subject Matter

During Art, we have been learning about Content and Subject Matter as we have been learning their definition, and how they differentiate from each other despite their close similarities with each other, and after that brainstorming the possible Content and Subject Matter we may have in our Artwork.

Subject Matter is the object the artwork is trying to show and portray to you. An example of Subject Matter when there are trees around the painting, that is the Subject matter of the painting.

Subject Matter and Content are both pretty similar to each other, Content is a bit more complex than Subject Matter as Content is the reason why the artist portrayed the specific Subject Matter in the art, what it is trying to tell you.

An example of Content is Tracy Tawhiao painting Well Blood you see at the back of the painting aside from the fish, you can see some Moari languages placed there, which is the Subject Matter. But, while this is true, the reason and content of Tracy Tawhiao’s work, is to show an act of colonization on Moari, as they used the fish covering the words to help define that.

As for my Art, the Subject Matter I can add to my art is a scale, different cultures such as people, languages, symbols, and backgrounds/environment as the content behind it are based on equality, despiting differences from one thing to another.

Antique Balance Scale (Identification & Price Guides)community-hands - Positively Naperville






Series and Sequences

During art, we have been going through pieces of art and have been thinking of scaling what order we should place that art, creating a hierarchy of those pieces, from first to last.

Here’s the order I came within the mine (Starts from the top left corner to the bottom right corner):

Why I chose this order as my Hierarchy because I wanted to first off introduce the topic, using the simple and basic picture of the topic I’m using I also included the drawing versions next to them, and as we start going down the left side and bottom, we will see the picture starting to try different poses, lighting, and angles of the topic as at the bottom was the final work which was transitioned.

Figurative Language

Figurative Language Example Reference Cards (Teacher-Made)

During English, we have been learning about different types of figurative languages and their definitions.

What we discussed were similes, metaphors, alliterations, personifications, Hyperbole,  and onomatopoeia. Similars are comparing two words or more using like or as, such as the forest was green as a leaf, metaphors are similar to similes but instead of using like or as, makes the word become what it is simlar to but is not, such as the gorilla was a sturdy tank, alliterations are when a certain sound repeat, such as the traveller travelled on the train, personifications are when live aspect is given to a object or thing, such as the plant rised up slowly, hyperboles are saying something more exageratting than it actually is, such as I screamed louder than a lion, and lastly onomatopoeia, which is using words which sound exactly what you are describing, such as the racket wisttled through the wind as it was swinged.

The ones that are most useful and something you may be using most of the time in your writing is simile as most of the time, you will be decribing lots of things as simile will help you make what you are describing more realistic and believable, another one is Hyperbole, it doesn’t really tell you exactly the accurate thing but this can also help people tell what you are talking about as you can use these in your writing, especially if you’re decribing something.


Waihanga Ngohe Tahi

HUMAN CONNECTION" Painting art prints and posters by Zinaida Vartanova - ARTFLAKES.COM

During Art, after finishing our research about Tracy Tawhiao and Picasso along with the comparison between them, we have now been bringing them all together and brainstorming what ideas we’ve gotten from their style of art and perspective and a connection between my own ideas and theirs based on my research of them.

What I know:

My Ideas:

I make art based on a connection to real life, as my art focuses on human anatomy. I also create my art mainly based on simple shapes as I use them to build each other up, making something detailed and stand out a lot.

Picasso’s Guitar Series:

Creates his art based on modernity and the vivid human image as he uses an art style known as Synthetic Cubism which is an art style that relies on three simple characteristics which is little to no depth, simple shapes, and bright colors. The materials that Picasso used in his art is newspaper, sawdust, and sand.

Tracy Tawhiao Newspaper works:

Creates her art with aspects of Maori culture or others and also makes her art combined with different types of culture, she also does her art focused mainly on subversion which is covering the original meaning and turning it into a new meaning as she used subversion in some of her art as a form of colonization in the Moari as the materials she uses in her art are a newspaper.


What I think could happen next:

My Ideas:

I will still continue making my art based on simple shapes as I slowly build them all up together and I could also try not only connecting my art with just in real life but also some aspects of culture along with it.

Picasso’s Guitar Series:

I might try creating my art with newspaper and using synthetic cubism which uses simple characteristics of art such as simple shapes, not too much depth, and bright colors.

Tracy Tawhiao Newspaper works:

I may apply subversion to my art, meaning covering the original narrative or meaning of the art while making something new.

Happy Broadcast

Good News Stories From 2019 Illustrated by the Happy Broadcast

During English, we have been continuing on researching the Happy Broadcast and some of its quotes as we also find what we see interesting about it and how this can help benefit the world.

One thing I found about the Happy broadcast is that a certain specie of giant tortoise was believed by others to be extinct for more than a hundred years as it was later discovered around the Galapagos Islands.

What I found interesting about this article was the fact they were finally discovered after a hundred years despite many believing that it was extinct and how this may be able to help the world is that this may also open up and spread new knowledge and possibilities all around all researchers and scientists.