During Social Studies, we have been researching sustainable tourism in NZ and making a lawyer paragraph out of it.
Here’s the lawyer paragraph on sustainable tourism:
Flying Kiwi focuses on making a sustainable environment.
This is important because if we don’t make our environment sustainable, all our plants, oceans, and trees will die out as they help clean the ecosystem and gives us oxygen, and if our environment dies out and becomes polluted, then diseases will eventually come to us and we will eventually die out too because we use the environment’s oxygen that they release, and since it will affect it, then it will gradually come to us as well.
How they are focusing on making their environment more sustainable is they do Environmental awareness training, encouraging others to reduce their use of plastic, and focusing on methods that can make the environment more sustainable, such as saving water, and energy, keeping water clean and not leaving litter in the environment.
Flying Kiwi is a sustainable company, it focuses on many ways they can do to help make the environment more clean and sustainable such as saving up water, and energy, and keeping the water clean.